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Seasonal Calving-Rebreeding

Rattlesnake speed and sudden death!

Please Folks...Use A. I.!! Seasonal calving DOES NOT mandate the use of bulls.
I took this picture on an farm where there were 8 small children.
Normal Postpartum Physiology
The reproductive performance of the postpartum cow plays a large role in determining the success of rebreeding.
New Concepts in Follicular Development in Cattle
Read this prior to reading Wiltbank.

Milo C. Wiltbank's method: Below are three E-mail messages to Dairy-L from Milo C. Wiltbank of the Dept. of Dairy Science at the Univ of WI-Madison. This is of major importance to seasonal calving dairymen. I believe that this guy has hit upon the best method of rebreeding seasonal calving cows. The 3rd message (Subject: Timed Breeding) is the explanation of his method.

Fri, 16 Dec 1994, Subject: Seasonal Calving
Wiltbank discusses seasonal calving.
Wed, 7 Jun 1995, Subject: Conception rates
Wiltbank discusses differences between pregnancy and conception rate.
Fri, 15 Sep 1995, Subject: Timed Breeding
Wiltbank discusses a protocol he and others developed for synchronization of ovulation using GnRH and PGF2a.

Seasonal Calving-Outwintering

Wintering Montana Calves
An increasing number of beef breed calves are being wintered in Montana instead of being sold to feedlots. The discussion of various grain feeding levels and associated calf growth in this document has application to the Outwintering of dairy cattle.

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