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Breed Associations

Holstein Association USA, Inc. 7/21/96

The Holstein Association USA, Inc. is a nonprofit, membership organization made up of approximately 45,000 people with strong interests in breeding, raising and milking Holstein cattle. It is the world's largest dairy cattle breed organization and is headquartered in Brattleboro, Vermont.

Their web site isn't too good. There are no links to any other site (which makes it a dead end), and the logo of the company they hired to maintain the web site is displayed as large as Holstein's and in such a way that it seems more prominent than Holstein's logo.

They have a page for clothing sales that takes forever to load. It also is inappropriate. It gives the wrong impression as to the priorities of Holstein USA.

Holstein USA Sub-pages:

Tradition or "real" registrations
Identified Holstein Females and Qualified Holstein Program
Classification Programs
Performance Programs

Sire Proofs

July 1996 Active Holstein Sire List new7/24/96
This list is at our web site and is presented as a public service until such time as the USDA figures out that it has some responsibility to present this information in a form that the public can access. It would only take them 10 minutes (that is how long it took me to get this page on the web.) Sorry no type data here.
July 1996 Active Non-Holstein Sire List new7/24/96
Brown Swiss
Milking Shorthorn
Red & White
Searchable July 1996 Sire Proofs at http://www.requestltd.com/july96siresummary/SS.HTM 7/24/96
Based on Official USDA and Holstein Association 7/96 Data. Data Compiled and Web Site Developed by ReQuest, Ltd. "This is pretty great."-FWO
Raw Sire Proofs at USDAnew7/21/96
REALLY RAW! The USDA is assuming no responsibility to present this data to the public in an understandable form. You're have to wait for the semen venders.


Holstein World
Dairy Cattle Trader
Editorial Calendar
HFW Offices and Staff
HFW Communications


Livestock Show Reform Act 7/21/96
The State of Ohio is cracking down on show ring cheats. What they don't know yet is that the dairy show people may cheat even more than the beef guys. We're just harder to catch.
World Dairy Expo Oct 2-6, 1996 7/21/96
World Dairy Expo is the place for 1,800 of the world's best dairy cattle, over 1,400 booths of the latest dairy technology exhibits and several industry seminars. Join over 68,000 dairy producers and agri-business representatives from more than 78 countries for World Dairy Expo at the Dane County Expo Center in Madison, Wisconsin, USA. Email: wdexpo@itis.com
1995 World Dairy Expo results 7/21/96
An amazing elite group of cattle were trucked from all across Canada and the United States to be shown during this world renowned event.

Our biggest problem as dedicated Registered Holstein Breeders:


This is strictly my own opinion as of 7/21/96 and does not apply to Holstein Canada or the Ohio Holstein Association.

"In all of American agricultural history, there has probably never been a membership organization that has grown more "out of touch" with it's membership than Holstein USA.

"They have pretty much abandoned their function as a member service organization. They have totally ceased promoting Registered Holsteins vs.grades. Many of their programs undermine the value of Registered Holsteins. "Whose side are these guys on?", is a legitimate concern when dealing with Holstein.

F. W. Owen

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