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Breed Association
- Holstein
- The Holstein Association of Canada is the largest dairy
organization in Canada. With over 14,000 members, it strives to
enhance the Holstein breed, using the most advanced breeding
technology. Holstein Canada maintains a world renowned Herd Book
and provides quality services to assists its members in
evaluating, selecting and profiting from genetic improvement.
Holstein Association of Canada,
P.O. Box 610
Brantford, Ontario, Canada N3T 5R4
Phone: (519) 756-8300 Fax: (519) 756-5878.
This is an outstanding site with good links!
- Holstein
Canada - Animal Information Sheet
- A fabulous service for anyone with an interest in Canadian
Holsteins. Once again Holstein Canada leads the way
Sire Proofs
- July 1995 Canadian
Sire Proofs
- The Canadian System emphasizes a "Balanced Breeding" approach,
with equal emphasis on both type and production, providing
breeders with high production and longevity. The Lifetime Profit
Index (LPI) is a unique Canadian index for ranking sires based on
a formula that reinforces the balanced breeding approach.
- International
sire evaluation with MACE
- Today, with the help of Multiple-trait Across Country
Evaluations (MACE), breeders can directly compare the best bulls
from around the world with those at home. MACE uses sire
evaluations from each country together with the pedigree
information that relates them to produce evaluations for all bulls
on the scale used by the importing country.
- mAce
for Type Traits: What's New
- Although MACE (Multiple-trait Across Country Evaluations)
began in Canada, the International Bull Evaluation Service
(INTERBULL), based in Sweden, now provides MACE on foreign sires
for production traits on a regular basis. When MACE rankings were
first produced, it became clear that Canadian producers were not
happy with receiving only production information on foreign bulls.
Interbull, however, was not in a position to also offer MACE for
conformation traits. So, early in 1995, Canada became the first
country to produce MACE for conformation (University of Guelph) as
well as production traits (Canadian Dairy Network).
- (Canadian) Holstein Journal
- The Holstein Journal is the last major Holstein breed magazine
that features "Breeder Ads".
- Long ago, in what seems like a different world, I actually
figured out how to read by asking my Dad the names of cows
pictured in the Canadian Journal.
Many feature articles that have appeared in the Holstein Journal
are archived at :
- 67th Royal Agricultural
Winter Fair results
- The 67th annual Royal Agricultural Winter Fair.
- The most prestigious Holstein show on the planet.
- 1995 World Dairy Expo
- An amazing elite group of cattle were trucked from all across
Canada and the United States to be shown during this world
renowned event.
Royal Bank of Canada - Dairy Farm Operations
- The bank looks at dairy farms! They got some of it right too!
- Introduction
- Profile
- Production
- Feed
- Housing
- Milk
- Herd
- Technology
- Metric/Imperial
- Quota
- Budgeting
- Farm
- Industry
Canadian bull studs
- United Breeders, Inc.
- The 1995 Bull
Book. Features new Sire and Daughter pictures and of course
the latest proof information. The
1994 Bull Book is
still online.
- Semex Canada
- Semex Distributors are available all over the world to deliver
top Canadian genetics to your doorstep.
- Western Ontario Breeders, Inc.
- Western Ontario Breeders is an Artifical Insemination
Co-operative located just north of Woodstock, Ontario, Canada on
Hwy 59 North. They have information on Holstein proven bulls as
well as Holstein Young Sires.
- Relax! Prelude
is still a really good bull.
Prelude has taken a tremendous setback on the
Canadian proof system. Many AI units around the world have more
Prelude sons than any other sire. Needless to say, this has caused
widespread consternation. In my opinion, based on many
observations of Preludes here in Ohio, there is very little cause
for concern. We just saw five milking Preludes at the World Dairy
Expo. While they did not win, they were outstanding individuals.
By the way, It is not true that Prelude was bred only to the best
cows. Here in Ohio, he was used primarily on high index cows. In
my opinion, the high index cows that we see here in Ohio are below
average type and not necessarily the best producers in their
respective herds.
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